Trophy Skin MicrodermMD

Van het merk Trophy Skin

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Product omschrijving

Delivering at-home microdermabrasion results, Trophy Skin’s MicrodermMD helps to reveal visibly smoother and more radiant-looking skin. Utilising a combination of diamond molecules, the device delivers exfoliation and gentle suction to reduce the appearance of fine lines, dark spots, pores and dullness. Three treatment modes (Auto, Manual and Sensitive) allow you to follow a treatment to suit your skin type and experience. Ideal for beginners and those with delicate skin, both Auto and Sensitive have pre-built suction levels and timers, while Manual mode allows you to customise between the eight power levels of suction with no time limit. Suitable for the entire face, neck and chest, MicrodermMD offers professional results from the comfort of your own home.


Merk Trophy Skin
EAN 851561006228