LullaBellz Grande 26 Textured Wave Wraparound Pony (Various Shades) - Chestnut

Van het merk Lullabellz

Er zijn helaas geen LullaBellz Grande 26 Textured Wave Wraparound Pony (Various Shades) - Chestnut aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Swish your hair and switch up your style with the Lullabellz Grande 26” Textured Wave Wraparound Pony. The easy-to-use hair extension fits directly into your pony to create the illusion of thicker, longer lengths. Effortlessly glamorous, the hair’s beachy waves perfectly capture that ‘I woke up like this’ look, as the textured strands blends seamlessly with your natural hair. The hair extensions form the perfect accessory to any outfit, style and occasion, elevating your look and taking your ponytail to new heights.


Merk Lullabellz
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