TwinsBros RDX FCS 5'5 wit

Van het merk Twinsbros

Er zijn helaas geen TwinsBros RDX FCS 5'5 wit aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

The bottom shape with a concave under the front foot and double concave from tail to 2 inches from it guarantees directionality and steering precision. The straight exit rocker ensure fast acceleration and good speed, the medium entry rocker allows to surf waves up to 3m if not too hollow. Range of use: 0.5m – 2m. The round tail ensures perfect feeling to any maneuver. The width and volume ensures glideness with waves of 0.5 m sizes. Adding carbon patches on the tail rails the board will be more responsive and quick maneuvering.


Merk Twinsbros
EAN 9009044973975