Illamasqua Prep & Set Duo

Van het merk Illamasqua

Er zijn helaas geen Illamasqua Prep & Set Duo aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Create a dewy, glass-like makeup base with the Illamasqua Prep and Set Duo. Sealing your look into place with just two products, the Hydra Veil Primer and the Hydra Setting Spray, the set takes you from day to night with ease. Vegan. Set Contents: Hydra Veil Primer 30ml This jelly-like formula combines the hydration of a moisturiser with the longevity of a primer to help improve the wear of your makeup. Enriched with microalgae and an abundance of vitamins and plant extracts, the primer nourishes the skin to encourage a smooth, balanced-looking complexion. The multi-purpose formula also minimises the appearance of pores. Hydra Setting Spray 100ml Lightweight and quick-drying, this glow-enhancing setting spray improves the adherence of your products, while delivering a moisture boost. The formula is designed to protect against smudging and fading in all temperatures, working to keep your makeup looking fresh for longer.


Merk Illamasqua
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