Real Techniques Chic Dreams Sponge Set

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Product omschrijving

The Real Techniques Miracle Complexion Sponge ® is designed with revolutionary latex-free foam technology to evenly blend liquid foundation for a smooth, enhanced finish. Flawless application for a natural luminous finish with the #1 makeup sponge. The Real Techniques Miracle Airblend Sponge is made with memory foam technology that hugs the surface of the skin for a seamless application, resulting in medium to full coverage makeup with a natural matte finish. From the creators of the #1 makeup sponge - the beloved shape has stayed the same but now with new memory foam technology provides more coverage, resulting in a matte finish. These sponges have a unique 3-point application technique. First use the flat edge to apply, then the precision tip to conceal, and blend it all out with the rounded side! Use with foundation, concealer, and color corrector. Use the miracle complexion sponge damp for a dewy finish or dry for fuller coverage. Use the miracle airblend sponge dry. Toss your favorite sponge in the travel sponge case to take on the go with you.Set Contents:Miracle Complexion Sponge ®Miracle Airblend SpongeTravel Sponge Case


Merk Real Techniques
EAN 079625439809