Luvia Prime Glow Palette Essential Highlighter Shades - Vol.1

Van het merk Luvia

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Product omschrijving

Discover your skin’s capacity for dazzling radiance with Luvia’s highlighter palette, designed to bring out that all-important glow. Containing eight different shades, the collection gives you the ability to turn up the brightness on every part of your face. The highlighting powders boast a sumptuous, silky texture, allowing for a smooth glide across your skin. With each one being richly pigmented, you’ll benefit from intense luminosity that can easily be built to your desired coverage. Super soft and highly blendable, the highlighters marry well with your foundation for a seamless, natural look. Enjoy a subtle lit-from-within effect or show-stopping party shine with this versatile palette. Suitable for vegans.


Merk Luvia
EAN 4260376611101