Wella Professionals Care Fusion Intense Repair Shampoo 100ml

Van het merk Wella Professionals Care

Er zijn helaas geen Wella Professionals Care Fusion Intense Repair Shampoo 100ml aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Ideal for dry, damaged hair types, the Wella Professionals Care Fusion Intense Repair Shampoo provides long-lasting moisture to visibly soften, smooth and protect the strands. Formulated with the brand’s Silksteel Fusion Technology, the shampoo stars a blend of silk amino acids and micronized lipids to plump the hair fibre with moisture, defending from excess breakage and the look of brittle ends. Wella’s Metal Purifier complex protects the lengths from metals present in water, helping to preserve the visible vibrancy and tone of your hair while supporting a satin-soft feel post-wash.


Merk Wella Professionals Care
EAN 4064666583099