Buffalo DP Hood - Capuchons

Van het merk Buffalo

Er zijn helaas geen Buffalo DP Hood - Capuchons aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Able to attach to all of Buffalo's DP System clothing, the DP Hood features a classic Pertex® shell, completely sealing the head and part of the face away from the driving rain, with an AquaTherm piling lining providing extra warmth and comfort. Windproof to upto 50mph, the DP Hood will also provide comfort against the howling winds outside.   A two position adjuster with simple touch-and-close attachment allows for simplistic connection and when not used, the DP Hood can easily be folded into the pocket. Sizes: Extra Small (to fit 32-34) / Small (36) / Medium (38-40) / Large (42-44) / Extra Large (46-50)


Merk Buffalo
EAN 5060511211802