Shimano M6100 Deore 12 Speed Rear Shifter - Achterderailleurs

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Er zijn helaas geen Shimano M6100 Deore 12 Speed Rear Shifter - Achterderailleurs aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

This rear shifter features 2-way release technology, which allows shifting from various riding positions. This means that the upper lever still performs the same shift function, but it can also swing in either direction allowing it to be released by your thumb or index finger. Shimano has also equipped it with a number of adjustment features for a more rider-tuned feel. Technologies: 2-way Release: 2-way release allows shifting from various riding positions; the upper lever still performs the same shift function, but it can now swing in either direction allowing it to be released by the thumb or index finger. Vivid Indexing: Light to the touch but positive and crisp, Vivid indexing provides a constant amount of shift lever force across all 12 sprockets.


Merk Shimano
EAN 4550170635961