Spidi X-4 Coupe Zwart Wit S

Van het merk Spidi

Er zijn helaas geen Spidi X-4 Coupe Zwart Wit S aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

X-4 Coupé is the glove developed by SPIDI for sporty riding during the warm season. Made of a mix of leather and three-dimensional perforated fabric, it features a carbon fiber knuckle shield, EN13594:2015 certification and touchscreen capability.Palm paddingBack of hand paddingSide of hand paddingPPEmotorcycle protective glove certified EN 13594: 2015 Lev. 1Carbon partsVented leatherHigh resistance clarino suede microfiberGoat Leather, 0.6/ 0.8 mm thick, high fitting performanceVariable-density polyurethane shield having shock absorber functions


Merk Spidi
EAN 8030161284225