Dainese Intrepida Geperforeerd Mat Zwart 48

Van het merk Dainese

Er zijn helaas geen Dainese Intrepida Geperforeerd Mat Zwart 48 aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

The Dainese Intrepida revolutionary athletic jacket. Made of Arrow XF, an exclusive fabric developed by Dainese D-Tec, the structure guarantees excellent ventilation, elasticity, and a level of abrasion-resistance to match that of leather. The construction means this jacket is very simple given it has less stitching and no need for air vents or inner linings. Leather inserts are located in specific zones, for an unbeatable fit. The protection of a Dainese athletic wear is guaranteed by the removable aluminum plates on the shoulders and the new floating shoulder construction.


Merk Dainese
EAN 8051019131430