AGV AX9 Siberia Matt Black Yellow Fluo S

Van het merk Agv

Er zijn helaas geen AGV AX9 Siberia Matt Black Yellow Fluo S aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Italian styling, multi purpose functionality and great comfort. If you're looking for a modern adventure helmet, the AX9 is a great contender! With a shell constructed from either a carbon-aramidic-fiberglass mix or full carbon, the AX9 is a lightweight piece of equipment, coming in at 1445 g or 1365 g (+/- 50 g). The AX9 sports a panoramic visor, offering 110 degrees of vertical and 190 degrees of horizontal vison. Along with a Pinlock MaxVision anti-fog lens, this ensures a perfect view ahead anytime, anywhere. The new dual sport peak has been tried and tested extensively, resulting in the best aerodynamic performance in the segment. The peak is of course detachable, allowing the helmet to be used in 4 different configurations: adventure (visor + peak), street (visor only) or use it with goggles with or without the peak. But what we really love about the AX9 is the chin vent. With a detachable front and back part, you can configure it any way you want it, varying from completely


Merk Agv
EAN 8051019339089