LELO Enigma - Black

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Product omschrijving

Experience the best of both worlds with the Enigma™ by LELO. Crafted to stimulate both the clitoris and the G-spot, the internal and external vibrator is destined to deliver your most intense orgasm yet. Innovative SENSONIC™ technology encourages sonic waves and pulsations to all the right places, allowing you to tailor the sensations to suit your needs and desires. The flexible internal arm put the power entirely into your hands, allowing you to experiment and discover turn-ons you didn’t even know you had. Smooth and silky, the silicone ENIGMA™ glides across your skin, proving itself as the most attentive lover you have ever encountered. Play alone or with a partner, while a waterproof feature allows you to unwind in the shower or bath. The vibrator is finished with eight settings and is ultra-quiet, ensuring that the only thing making a scene is you. Box Contents: ENIGMA™ USB-Charging Cord Satin Storage Pouch Warranty Registration Card Detailed Instruction Manual


Merk Lelo
EAN 7350075028182