Laura Mercier Flawless Fusion Ultra-Longwear Concealer 7g (Various Shades) - 1W

Van het merk Laura Mercier

Er zijn helaas geen Laura Mercier Flawless Fusion Ultra-Longwear Concealer 7g (Various Shades) - 1W aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Stay flawless throughout the day with the Laura Mercier Flawless Fusion Ultra-Longwear Concealer, a product that promises not to crease. You’ll be able to enjoy medium to full coverage that’s flexible and moulds to the contours of your face. Whether you have dark circles, sunspots or scars, the concealer is powerful enough to blur and hide imperfections without feeling heavy on your skin, treating you to a natural, undetectable finish. With a Blurring Powder Blend, light is diffused to give you an airbrushed, soft-focus look all over. The concealer will stay in place for up to 12 hours thanks to innovative polymers that adhere closely to skin, leaving you safe from water, humidity, sweat and unwanted transfers. Free from oil.


Merk Laura Mercier
EAN 736150174291