Fox Suspension Float DPS Factory 3Pos-Adj LV Shock - Schokdempers

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Product omschrijving

Coming feature-packed and designed to exceed the demands of Fox Suspension's Factory-level riders, this model boasts a genuine Kashima coating for fantastic durability, amazingly smooth performance and an eye-catching finish that complements any ride. DPS Damper, EVOL Air Spring and Adjustments Engineered for the rigours of modern trail riding, this MTB rear shock comes well-equipped with proven technologies to enhance your ride. Its dual piston system (DPS) damper features three positions of adjustment that can be controlled using a lever to choose between Open, Medium and Firm riding modes. Fox Suspension has also kitted out this version with a one-piece EVOL air spring that improves responsiveness and sensitivity, while its range of adjustment features allow you to easily fine-tune its suspension performance. Coming complete with an open mode adjust tuning range (1, 2, 3), rebound and air spring pressure adjustments, the Fox Suspension Float DPS Factory 3Pos-Adj LV Shock is a great choice of upgrade for fine-tuning your rear suspension to match your riding style as well as the terrain conditions. Technologies: - Factory Series: “Factory” says it all – feature-packed and designed to exceed the demands of our Factory-level riders. What we sell is what they race. Factory Series products feature slippery smooth, ultra-durable Genuine Kashima Coat. - Updated graphics. - Dual Piston valve design improves both rebound and compression flow. - Lightweight, one-piece EVOL air sleeve improves responsiveness and sensitivity.


Merk Fox Suspension
EAN 821973419541