OPI Gel Break Sheer Colour Properly Pink 15ml

Van het merk Opi

Er zijn helaas geen OPI Gel Break Sheer Colour Properly Pink 15ml aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Nurture your nails and enjoy a subtle shade with theOPI Gel Break Sheer Barely Beige.Designed for recovering gel addicts, this formula is ideal for those who suffer from thinning, weakened nails. Working to repair broken nails, the formula is infused with vital vitamins and essential minerals that work in harmony to bring your nails back to life. Ideal for a break between sets of gels, this formula strives to return your nails to their rightful strength, leaving the surface smooth, strong and shiny. This subtle shade is perfect for a more natural look, gracing the palms with a glorious gloss. Ideal for medium skin tones, this reparative formula will leave your nails perfected.


Merk Opi
EAN 619828127327