Talika Eyebrow Lipocils Ink - Brown

Van het merk Talika

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Product omschrijving

Achieve perfect brows with the Talika Lipocils Ink; a comprehensive eyebrow treatment that immediately fills sparse gaps with natural looking colour while a 4-week regrowth formula helps improve density and fullness with continued use. The easy-to-use felt pen ensures precise and accurate application with a long-lasting, anti-smudge colour concealer enhancing shape and definition. Powered by plant extracts and regenerative peptides, the Growth Serum and Regenerating Care formula seeks to stimulate regrowth for improved thickness, while improving bulb cells to anchor existing hair follicles and combat hair loss. The addition of Coleus stimulates the synthesis of Melanin, resulting in naturally enhanced colour pigmentation. Brows look instantly sleek and perfectly groomed; while with continued use they appear thicker, stronger and less scattered.


Merk Talika
EAN 3139438550751