BBB London Brow Perfect Set - Medium-Donker

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Product omschrijving

BBB London’s Brow Perfect Set in ‘Medium-Dark’ is dedicated to creating flawless arches. Set Contents: Tinted Brow Gel in ‘Indian Chocolate’ A precise brow gel to define and shape your hairs. The tiny micro-brush is perfect for capturing every strand, helping to manoeuvre your brows into position with buildable colour pigments and strong staying power. Enriched with a blend of aloe vera, nettle protein, amino acids, vitamin B5 and glycerine to hydrate and strengthen. Ultra-Slim Brow Definer in ‘Indian Chocolate’ Fill in sparse brows with this definer, equipped with an ultra-slim nib to mimic realistic, hair-like strokes. The waterproof and smudge-proof formula is even enriched with vitamins C and E plus antioxidants. Ideal for on-the-go, the retractable nib also removes the need for a sharpener. Tweezers x 1 Ergonomically-designed tweezers to support hassle-free hair removal. Made from high-grade stainless steel, the tweezers feature a slight curve to help reach trickier spots, while the angled head offers precision and grip.


Merk Bbb London
EAN 5060279918975