100% Accuri 2 Goggles Mirror Lens - Fietsbrillen

Van het merk 100

Er zijn helaas geen 100% Accuri 2 Goggles Mirror Lens - Fietsbrillen aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

The revamped version of the Accuri goggles, features an upgraded field of vision, with a better fitment and seal system. The expansive polycarbonate lens, and the 9-pin lens retention system, offer incredible levels of protection against impacts and abrasions. Meanwhile, an anti-fog lens coating helps keep your vision clear during your most intense rides. The frame delivers long lasting comfort with an ultra-thick triple face foam, with enhanced moisture management. Meanwhile, the 45mm wide silicone coated strap ensures maximum grip.


Merk 100
EAN 0841269167499