NEOM Clean & De-Stress Hand Sanitising Spray 30ml

Van het merk Neom

Er zijn helaas geen NEOM Clean & De-Stress Hand Sanitising Spray 30ml aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Keep hands cleansed and hydrated in one spritz with the NEOM Clean & De-Stress Hand Sanitising Spray. The spray is formulated with 61% alcohol to kill up to 99.9% of bacteria, while resisting over-drying the skin. Featuring a 100% natural fragrance, the lightweight spray imparts soothing notes of lavender, jasmine and Brazillian rosewood. A blend of replenishing ingredients and a natural prebiotic work to boost hydration, promoting soft and supple skin. Perfect for on-the-go top-ups, the hand sanitiser supports clean, moisturised and delicately scented hands.


Merk Neom
EAN 5060560207931