Endura Hummvee Plus Helmet - Helmen

Van het merk Endura

Er zijn helaas geen Endura Hummvee Plus Helmet - Helmen aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

All-Round Cycling Head Protection Wherever you find yourself cycling, the Hummvee Plus Helmet makes sure you enjoy comfort on the bike and an extra level of head protection should you be unfortunate enough to hit your head. This head protection comes firstly via the in-mould construction. The heart of this engineered protection solution is a shock-absorbing foam core. In the event of head impact, this core soaks up and dissipates forces that could otherwise cause a head injury.  To the outside of the in-mould system is a tough and durable shell. Fused to the inner core, this provides protection against knocks and bumps you may experience from regular riding, boosting durability. It also adds extra structural integrity should you fall.  Easy Adjustment. Cool Comfort.  In order to get a secure and comfortable fit, Endura deploy their micro-adjust cradle system. With a quick twist of the rear dial, you can get just the right fit for your head and ensure a stable fit in the event of a crash. Inside, soft-touch pads also add to your overall comfort levels. As pedal and build up a sweat, these pads draw moisture off your head, preventing the sting of sweat in the eyes. They're removable too, letting you wash and freshen them up for long-term comfort. Large air vents are made possible thanks to the strength of the in-mould design. These vents let cool air rush inside and draw warm damp air through and out of the rear exhaust vents. As you build up a sweat, this will endure you remain cool and comfortable during your ride.


Merk Endura
EAN 5056286924184