100% Ridecamp Elbow Guards - Elleboogbeschermers

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Product omschrijving

The ultra-light Ridecamp Elbow Guards are a great pick for fast-paced XC laps, down-country escapades and light trail duties. If you do find yourself heading unexpectedly towards the dirt, the lightly padded elbow cover softens the blow of impacts. The outer cover is also abrasion-resistant, resisting tears and rips should you slide during higher-speed falls.  Thanks to their slip-on design and pre-curved chassis you can easily adopt attacking positions and move and react quickly and easily to any terrain changes. The highly perforated materials and rear mesh zones also prevent sweat from causing you discomfort. And in order to prevent annoying slippage, 100% have added a tacky inner silicone webbing to grip and hold them firmly in place. 


Merk 100
EAN 196261006629