IXS Carve AW All Weather Pant - Lange broeken

Van het merk Ixs

Er zijn helaas geen IXS Carve AW All Weather Pant - Lange broeken aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Rain. Mud. Fun. Mountain biking in the wet can be full of thrills and spills, testing skills and grip to the limit. And when skies burst with rain, the Carve AW All Weather Pant come into their own. A waterproof rating of 10,000mm ensures that both drizzle and downpours are dealt with, keeping wet weather out for prolonged periods of riding. The fabric is also quick to dry, perfect for when the weather can't decide between staying wet or dry. For comfortable mountain biking, it's not just about the waterproof protection either. Ripping down slippery trails and pedalling up stiff climbs will soon see you building up a sweat. However, with a 10K breathability rating, moisture has an easy escape route, leaving you drier and more comfortable on the inside. Muddy trails also demand quick reactions and easy movement. And the Carve AW pants won't disappoint. The combination of 4-way stretch and an MTB rider-focused fit enables you to move, manoeuvre and pedal your bike unhindered. An internal silicone gripper and waist adjusters also keep your trousers locked in place no matter how riotous your riding. 


Merk Ixs
EAN 7630472690510