USWE Zulo 2 Hydration Hip Pack - Heuptassen

Van het merk Uswe

Er zijn helaas geen USWE Zulo 2 Hydration Hip Pack - Heuptassen aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

The Zulo 2 Hydration Hip-Pack has a unique banana-shape and secure single-buckle suspension strap that stabilises the position of the pack. The belt firmly fixes to your waist while allowing you full freedom of movement. The pack comes with a 2L volume with a smart multi organiser pocket and two quick stash side pockets ideal for providing quick access to energy gels and food. Additionally, the waist pack comes with the USWE 1L Elite™ bladder which features Plug-N-Play coupling and a magnetic clip for the drink tube that allows you to easily drink while on the move.


Merk Uswe
EAN 7350069254238