Castelli Women's Squadra Stretch Cycling Jacket - Jassen

Van het merk Castelli

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Product omschrijving

Be it a chilly morning start or a long mountain descent, the Women's Squadra Stretch Cycling Jacket is easily pulled on to keep you protected from the effects of cool breezes. Coated ripstop nylon provides wind protection to the front, while to the back it'll fend off the tyre spray from damp roads too. Tightly knitted side panels give the jacket some stretch, keeping the fit as flap free as possible while also being great for a wide range of body shapes. A high-cut collar lessens the chances of cold winds getting in and a longer back adds coverage over your shorts or winter tights. Reflective details to the chest and tail make you easier to spot as the light fades. Simple, effective and offering great value, the Squadra stretch is also easily packed away when conditions improve.


Merk Castelli
EAN 8050949397213