POC Pristine Jersey - Fietstruien

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Product omschrijving

The Pristine Cycling Jersey carries its performance credentials quietly, with a subtle design that has clean, sharp lines, minimal seams, a small collar and longer arms, all offering you a slim race-ready silhouette. Lightweight recycled materials give you a jersey that is also kinder to the environment while still offering the breathability and flexible fit you'd expect of a high-performance road jersey. The silicone printed elastic hem keeps the jersey snug as you pull yourself into an aero position.  Under the arms, POC uses mesh zones as a means to boost airflow and breathability - ideal as you gain fitness and begin to revel in higher intensity riding efforts during warm weather. The full-length front zipper also lets you easily regulate airflow and body temperature. Practical features include 3 large pockets for essentials. A zipped pocket also makes space for keys, cards and coins. Your cycling safety is also looked after with reflective details making you more visible after dark. And there's even a small reflective tab with space for emergency contact info in the rear left pocket.


Merk Poc
EAN 7325549937048