Sportful Bodyfit Sleeveless Baselayer - Onderkleding

Van het merk Sportful

Er zijn helaas geen Sportful Bodyfit Sleeveless Baselayer - Onderkleding aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Sweat is vital to keep you cool when cycling, but if too much hangs around you'll soon feel uncomfortable. The Bodyfit Pro Sleeveless Base Layer ensures that even during the most intense training session and warmest of days, excess sweat is wicked away quickly to leave you feeling cool, fresh and dry. The vertical ribs of the fabric keep less of the base layer in contact with the skin, helping air circulate and prevent any uncomfortable clinging against the skin. It's also designed to be a particularly good fit if you're pairing it with a Sportful jersey and bib shorts as well as offering superb comfort with any cycling kit you choose.


Merk Sportful
EAN 8050949589892