Sportful Matchy Cycling Gloves - Handschoenen

Van het merk Sportful

Er zijn helaas geen Sportful Matchy Cycling Gloves - Handschoenen aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

From the smoothest of tarmac to the most rutted of gravel tracks, the Matchy Cycling Gloves provide a secure grip of your handlebars. The palm features padded inserts to both soak up vibrations and ease pressure while also reducing numbness in key areas. Micro-perforation also let sweat escape easier.  A snug-fitting back material and raw-cut elastic wrist cuff give an exceptionally comfortable fit. A sweat wipe on the thumb lets you mop sweat from a sweaty brow. 


Merk Sportful
EAN 8050949601433