Evoc Hip Pack 3L - Heuptassen

Van het merk Evoc

Er zijn helaas geen Evoc Hip Pack 3L - Heuptassen aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Ventilation Whatever your distance, the Hip Pack 3L from Evoc can be individually adjusted to provide the perfect level of ventilation along the back panel thanks to an Air Flow Contact System with specialised grooved channels and EVA Pads, practically moved to the inside to maximise comfort.  As with all Evoc packs, the circulation technology optimises ventilation, preventing excessive cooling of the kidney area throughout high strain activity. Gaps along the sides of the channel also allow air to freely escape.  Comfort A Venti-Flap system folds the back piece away for maximum ventilation, enhancing your carrying comfort. Plus, with 3D Air Mesh strategically placed over the shoulder straps, cushioning is optimised, sitting comfortably on the hips throughout.  Organisation With minimal space, the Hip Pack provides impressive on-the-go organisation and a bottle area to keep you hydrated (bottles not included). For longer rides there's also hydration reservoir compatibility (bladder not included - sold seperately). A smartphone specific pocket is easy to access and a nutrition pocket will keep you moving from dawn to dawn. The Hip Pack 3L is compatible with Evoc's 1.5L Hip Pack Hydration Bladder which is available to purchase separately.


Merk Evoc
EAN 4250450726784