Kate Somerville Microbiome Blemish Mark Fading Gel 30ml

Van het merk Kate Somerville

Er zijn helaas geen Kate Somerville Microbiome Blemish Mark Fading Gel 30ml aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

The Kate Somerville EradiKate Microbiome Blemish Mark Fading Gel is a targeted treatment designed to diminish the appearance of post-blemish marks and discolouration. The gel formula contains a unique prebiotic complex to support and balance the skin’s natural barrier, while still effectively clarifying. Fortified with gently exfoliating AHAs, the gel helps to resurface and smooth the look of skin texture. Salicylic acid and niacinamide target pores and uneven skin tone, encouraging a clarified and brighter-looking complexion.


Merk Kate Somerville
EAN 810023370611