ManCave Caffeine Conditioner 500ml

Van het merk Mancave

Er zijn helaas geen ManCave Caffeine Conditioner 500ml aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

The ManCave Caffeine Conditioner is an ultra-hydrating formula that helps to support the scalp, in order to promote optimal conditions for healthy hair growth. Ideal for dry hair, the conditioner plumps the strands with intense moisture, promoting a smooth, revitalised finish. The refreshing gel texture is powered by caffeine, seeking to revitalise the lengths. Shea butter envelops the hair in moisture, working from scalp to ends to help soften, while panthenol lends a soothing effect. Presented in 100% recyclable packaging, the conditioner is scented with an invigorating blend of peppermint, bergamot, grapefruit and lavender.


Merk Mancave
EAN 5060307392401