Watt&Veke Anna 40 Wall- Ceiling Light White

Van het merk Watt Veke

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Product omschrijving

Concept: Anna Design: Watt&Veke has large successfully collaborated with Anna Hörling, who has created the organic lamp series Anna, designed in 2010 with the aim of creating a discreet but beautiful ceiling light. This lamp is especially suitable for a bedroom or hallway, where it is not always practical with a hanging pendant. The lampshade beautifully covers the construction of the lamp and the soft cotton material, gives the design a cloud-like and light expression. The lamp is available as a ceiling light, in three sizes, so it can fit in different rooms. The upholstered design gives the lamp a modern and vibrant expression that you can use in rooms where you need to relax.


Merk Watt Veke
EAN 7340044228934