Tala Reflection Oblo Table Lamp White

Van het merk Tala

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Product omschrijving

Design: David Weeks Studio for Tala Concept: A perfect match is what one can say about the elegant composition between bulb and base in the Tala Reflection series. The shapes of the base are an imitation of some of the most well-known and elegant decorative bulbs that Tala offers. To create the fluid transition between base and bulbs, each Reflection lamp is hand-adjusted to perfection. The name '' Reflection '' is not entirely coincidental either. The upper part of the lamp appears in glossy porcelain, thereby reflecting the soft light from the elegant bulb. This symmetry gives the series a very definite calm and pleasant atmosphere, which it reflects no matter where it is placed in the home. The matte porcelain bulbs issues a pleasant and soft light, making the lamp ideal as a decorative lamp on the bedside table next to the bed, on the dresser in the hallway, or on the bookshelf along with all the books.


Merk Tala
EAN 5060400158546