MicroSHIFT M110 1x11 Speed Dual Control Lever Set - Remgrepen

Van het merk Microshift

Er zijn helaas geen microSHIFT M110 1x11 Speed Dual Control Lever Set - Remgrepen aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Combining an aluminium and steel build, this brake/shift lever set is robust and durable for handling all of the intensity that's associated with long days on your bike. Whether you're clocking up the miles on your gravel ride or exploring the off-road with your riding buddies, this model is a perfect companion for consistent, smooth and reliable operation. microSHIFT has also ensured that the shifter paddles are separate from the brake lever to avoid accidental braking. As a result, this dual control lever set makes it easier than ever to control your ride. These unique drop bar shifters are directly compatible with Shimano Dynasys 11 speed MTB rear derailleurs, meaning you can pair a wide range cassette and a drop bar cockpit with no compromises. microSHIFT XLE Series With an array of compatible shifter and derailleur options, XLE is a tinkerer’s dream. Whether you’re putting drop bars on a mountain bike or a cassette on your gravel bike, XLE has you covered.   Technologies: - External cable routing. - Left side brake only for 1×11 setups. - Shifter paddles are separate from brake lever to avoid accidental braking. - Hardened steel internals for precise, positive shifting. - Replaceable hoods.   Manufacturer's Part Number: SB-M110 Black Pair


Merk Microshift
EAN 4710495433110