Black Diamond Cosmo 250 Headlamp - Hoofdlampen

Van het merk Black Diamond

Er zijn helaas geen Black Diamond Cosmo 250 Headlamp - Hoofdlampen aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Equipped with a TriplePower and a DoublePower LED system, this reliable and wearable bike light is perfect for the daily commuter and regular recreational rider. Suitable for use when taking to the trails, it comes weatherproof and waterproof for all-season use.  The Cosmo features a range of settings which include proximity and distance modes, dimming, strobe, red night-vision and lock mode which can be easily switched between to suit your imminent riding conditions. Powered by three AAA batteries, this efficient and effective light does a sterling job to light your way from A to B.


Merk Black Diamond
EAN 793661436546