Castelli Velocissimo Kit Cap - Petten

Van het merk Castelli

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Product omschrijving

Castelli Special Editions Offering something just a little bit different from what you can find elsewhere, the Castelli Special Editions are a great way to bring some zing to your bike ride. The usual quality, fit and attention to detail are all there, combined with a mix of bright colours if you love to stand out or some more subtle designs for a timeless look. Cover up Whatever the season, the Velocissimo Kit Cap is an ever-useful cycling accessory to have to hand. The classic design ensures it's easily slipped under a cycling helmet, adding protection from the sun or a sharp rain shower. The stiff peak can be worn up and down, and it's just right to keep the sun off the eyes or raindrops from stinging your face. And when you're at the cafe stop it's a stylish-looking cap to keep your head covered.   


Merk Castelli
EAN 8050949836705