Castelli Flight Jersey Air - Fietstruien

Van het merk Castelli

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Product omschrijving

If you're a Perfetto vest owner, you'll be familiar with Castelli’s Nano Flex Light material. It's a tightly woven fabric that blocks much of the wind but is incredibly light and compact.  This highly breathable, high-performance fabric is used in the construction of this Flight jersey Air and is the secret to its brilliant performance. Preventing much of the usual heat loss associated with windchill, the Flight Air is warmer than a standard woven jersey but with no weight penalty. However, what air can get through regulates temperature well, so you don’t overheat. And because there’s no membrane, moisture can easily escape too. This creates a jersey that maintains cool-weather comfort and keeps you as sweat-free as possible.  Across the front, Castelli have added a 3D mesh lining, speeding up the moisture-wicking performance. During and after harder efforts you’ll find you’ll feel drier and more comfortable thanks to this extra layer. And being drier you’ll remain warmer too. The stretch woven material also gives the jersey a close-to-the-body fit but with plenty of flexibility. In fact, Castelli dub this jersey their Aero Race Jersey for cool conditions. A full-length zipper keeps you in control of ventilation and raw-cut wrist cuffs fit well with your lighter-weight spring/autumn gloves.


Merk Castelli
EAN 8050949731079