Leatt 4.5 Neck Brace - Beschermers

Van het merk Leatt

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Product omschrijving

The 4.5 Neck Brace is engineered to channel crash forces from your helmet to your body, thus isolating your neck from, and reducing, the forces that could otherwise cause neck injuries. It also has a collarbone cut-out to prevent your helmet from impacting your most fragile and vulnerable bones. Leatt's CoreFlex split rear folding thoracic strut gives a perfect fit, allowing optimal freedom of movement but will break away to protect your back from unwanted pressure. The fit is also easily customisable via the two-way adjustability at the rear while the split front dials in more comfort. Easy-to-clean foam padding also gives you extra comfort.  Lab and Rider Tested The 4.5 Neck Brace system has undergone independent lab testing and has been used at the highest level of mountain bike competition. In both cases, it has proven itself to be vital in reducing injury during a crash. This is achieved by transferring the load during an accident away from the fragile bones in the neck. • Up to 89% reduction in critical cervical spine injuries* • Collarbone injuries up to 45% MORE likely WITHOUT a neck brace* § *Independent Moto motorcycle study by Action Sports EMS


Merk Leatt
EAN 6009554007767