Assos Winter Gloves EVO - Handschoenen

Van het merk Assos

Er zijn helaas geen Assos Winter Gloves EVO - Handschoenen aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

When it comes to cycling in winter, it’s the extremities, and particularly the hands, that are often the first to suffer from the arrival of lower temperatures. But with the Winter Gloves EVO, and their insulated construction, you have a reliable barrier against the cold. The excellent windproof performance also prevents heat loss, boosting comfort still further. While not waterproof, a water-repellent finish certainly fends off intermittent light rain and spray from damp roads. Assos have also improved the palm when compared to previous iterations. The microfibre material is now less prone to soak up moisture and just like the rest of the glove it’s also thermal, breathable and water-repellent. Touchscreen compatibility also means easy control of your phone and GPS devices without exposing your hands to the cold. Across the palm, padding provides pressure relief while the anatomic shape prevents bunching and improves bar grip and dexterity. Extended cuffs also prevent gaps between gloves and jacket sleeves, creating a secure seal against the cold.


Merk Assos
EAN 2220000231381