MET Hooray Kid's Helmet - Helmen

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Product omschrijving

Hooray for bikes. Get your smallest family members on two wheels and you'll be fuelling a lifetime passion for the sheer fun they can bring.  And to make sure they bike safely and confidently, you can't beat the Hooray Kid's Helmet.  MET has tweaked the construction so it's more protective than ever.  The in-mould construction features a polycarbonate shell, making it tough and durable - perfect for fending off light bumps and scratches that come with regular riding and the rough and tumble of toddler life. Meanwhile, the shock-absorbing foam inner is there to offer protection should they take a tumble. Their Bimbi Secure Technology also removes contact between the helmet and fontanelle, the most fragile part of a child’s head. Extended coverage offers all-around head protection while the flat-shaped back is compatible with bike seats. Getting your little ripper's cycle helmet adjusted is quick and easy too, thanks to the MET Safe-T JR Fit System. No fiddling or fuss, just twist the dial and they can go have fun. 


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