Assos TRAIL Jersey T3 - Fietstruien

Van het merk Assos

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Product omschrijving

Assos have long been synonymous with high-performance, highly technical and well-engineered road apparel. Well, that expertise in cycling engineering comes to the thrills and spills of mountain biking via the TRAIL Short Sleeve Jersey T3.  To the body of the jersey, you'll find Assos' Triangle textile. The circular-knit design offers plenty of lateral stretch, so you can move freely, but remains stable vertically so you don't have too much sag or flapping. It's ultrasoft and yet durable, resisting snags and pulls as you nip through tight gaps and brush past trailside overgrowth. The durability is enhanced via the use of abrasion-resistant dyneRope across the forearms.  Fit to Move With feedback from World Cup athletes, Assos evolved their Trail fit. The T3 gets a slightly roomier fit over the chest, accommodating padding while at the same time improving overall freedom of movement. A longer body also increases coverage and the set-in sleeves offer an improved range of movement - ideal for attacking more technical and aggressive trails.


Merk Assos
EAN 2220000247320